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Placerville Weather Records & Norms For - March
  Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec    
Yearly Rainfall Records Average Yearly Rainfall Map
Elevation: 1,870 feet | Population: 9,610 Daily Rainfall Records   
 Day   Record High   Record Low   Norm High   Norm Low   Mean  Temp  Day Norm   Norm to Date 
 1 78° (1985) 23° (1955) 57° 40° 49° .24 in. 28.71
 2 74° (1986) 21° (1953) 57° 40° 49° .24 in. 28.95
 3 76° (1994) 19° (1966) 57° 40° 49° .24 in. 29.19
 4 72° (1959) 23° (1966) 58° 40° 49° .24 in. 29.43
 5 77° (1986) 27° (1971) 58° 40° 49° .23 in. 29.66
 6 76° (1986) 21° (1956) 58° 40° 49° .23 in. 29.89
 7 75° (1972) 25° (1956) 58° 40° 49° .23 in. 30.12
 8 76° (1993) 22° (1985) 58° 40° 49° .23 in. 30.35
 9 80° (2004) 25° (1958) 58° 40° 49° .23 in. 30.58
 10 78° (2004) 24° (1951) 58° 40° 49° .22 in. 30.80
 11 87° (2005) 25° (1958) 58° 40° 49° .22 in. 31.02
 12 78° (2004) 24° (1950) 58° 40° 49° .22 in. 31.24
 13 82° (2007) 26° (1962) 58° 40° 49° .22 in. 31.46
 14 81° (2007) 25° (1977) 59° 40° 50° .21 in. 31.67
 15 78° (2004) 27° (1954) 59° 40° 50° .21 in. 31.88
 16 80° (2004) 27° (1952) 59° 40° 50° .21 in. 32.09
 17 84° (2007) 25° (1966) 59° 40° 50° .20 in. 32.29
 18 81° (2004) 27° (1955) 59° 40° 50° .20 in. 32.49
 19 81° (2004) 28° (1968) 59° 40° 50° .20 in. 32.69
 20 79° (1960) 24° (1952) 59° 40° 50° .20 in. 32.89
 21 85° (2004) 26° (1952) 60° 41° 51° .19 in. 33.08
 22 81° (1960) 25° (1952) 60° 41° 51° .19 in. 33.27
 23 77° (2004) 28° (1952) 60° 41° 51° .19 in. 33.46
 24 76° (1990) 30° (1949) 60° 41° 51° .18 in. 33.64
 25 77° (1997) 26° (1964) 60° 41° 51° .18 in. 33.82
 26 81° (1988) 26° (1972) 60° 41° 51° .18 in. 34.00
 27 83° (1988) 27° (1956) 61° 41° 51° .17 in. 34.17
 28 81° (1986) 26° (1975) 61° 41° 51° .17 in. 34.34
 29 81° (2002) 26° (1985) 61° 41° 51° .17 in. 34.51
 30 80° (2004) 28° (1977) 61° 41° 51° .16 in. 34.67
 31 81° (2002) 27° (1951) 61° 42° 52° .16 in. 34.83
 Day   Record High   Record Low   Norm High   Norm Low   Mean  Temp  Day Norm   Norm to Date 
 Ave Snow 
0.40 in.
 Record High 
87° (2005)
  Record Low 
19° (1966)
  Norm High 
 Norm Low 
  Mean Temp  
  Norm Rainfall  
6.36 in.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec    
Note: A rain season is from July 1st through June 30th

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