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California NOAA Weather Radio Stations
May take a few moments to connect
* Cities Represent a State Weather Region (see map below).


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Player Notes:

To change stations, click on any city name and wait a few moments for it to load up. Or you can use the double arrows to go either down the list (far right double arrows), or up the list (far left double arrows). Each city name represents a main National Weather Service Headquarters location that broadcasts the weather forecast and conditions for this entire region, which can cover several hundred square miles. IF you would prefer, we have an all-in-one found here: All-In-One Weather Radio

Each radio station is run by private individuals from their homes, and they stream with a small weather radio connected to their computers. For this reason sound volumn's will differ. Some are louder than others, some you may not hear at all, and some have more static than others. Stations that do not connect are not online at the moment. These stations can come and go, and are listed because they usually will be back online at some point.

When stations so not work at all, this means that the main weather radio server is down at the moment. This does happens on occasion and we have no control over it.

Please remember, NEVER base important decisions on weather information found over the Internet, instead, always check with your local area weather authorities.

California Weather Radio Coverage Map
California Weather Radio Coverage Map

KEC57 Weather Radio Coverage Map

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