Placerville, California USA Weather Central
Placerville, California Live Weather Conditions
Current Sky Conditions:
Risings & Settings Times:
Sunrise: 7:00 am |
Sunset: 5:34 pm
Moonrise: 3:54 pm |
Moonset: 6:12 am
Temperature |
Todays Hi: 67.5°F at 12:09 PM
Todays Low: 38.8 °F at 12:00 AM
Temp 24 Hours Ago: 38.8 °F
Temp 24Hr Diff: 4.8°F
Humidity |
77%  |
Yesterday Hi Temp: 38.8°F at 12:00 AM
Yesterday Lo Temp: 38.8°F at 12:00 AM
Humidity Change: 12%  |
Wind |
Calm ---
Gusts: 0.0 mph
High Gust Today: 7.0 mph at 3:08 PM |
Avg 10mins: 0.0 mph
Month: 7.0mph on 2/9/2025
Pressure |
Pressure High: 30.705
Pressure Low: 29.925 |
Pressure Trend:
Falling rapidly
Rain |
0.00 |
Month Rain: 5.95
Total Rain: 19.80 in | 83.9% of normal |
Rain Rate: 0 in
Normal to Date: 23.60 in
UV index |
High UV: 2.2 at 2:26 PM |
UV Index Hi:
Low |
Solar radiation |
0 W/m2
(0% of max)
High Solar: 524 W/m2 at 2:26 PM |
Moon Phase:
93% Illuminated |
Feels Like:
44 |
Dew Point:
36.9 |
Evaportranspiration: 0.07
Cloud Height:
1542 ft
Placerville, California Live Weather: Powered by Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus, a solar powered, wireless weather station
Downtown Placerville 3 Day Forecast
Updated at 4:21 pm PST Feb 9, 2025 |
Lo 34 °F
| Clear, with a low around 34. West northwest wind around 5 mph becoming calm.
Hi 52 °F
| Sunny, with a high near 52. Calm wind becoming west around 6 mph in the afternoon.
Monday Night
 Mostly Clear
Lo 31 °F
| Mostly clear, with a low around 31. Calm wind.
Hi 49 °F
| Sunny, with a high near 49. Calm wind becoming west southwest around 6 mph in the afternoon.
Tuesday Night
 Chance Rain/Snow
Lo 33 °F
| A chance of rain and snow showers, mainly after 4am. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 33. Calm wind. Chance of precipitation is 30%. Little or no snow accumulation expected.
 Chance Rain/Snow then Chance Showers
Hi 49 °F
| A chance of rain and snow showers before 10am, then a chance of rain showers. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 49. Chance of precipitation is 50%. Little or no snow accumulation expected.