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North America Wide View 12 Hour Composite IR Satellite
Updates Every 30 Minutes
Current UTC Time: 2025/03/26 - 02:14:57Z
Animation Button Legend
Start | Stop : Click these buttons to either start or stop the animation. Slower : Click this button to slow down the animation. Each click will slow down the animation a bit more. Faster : Click this button to speed up the animation. Each click will speed up the animation a bit more. < > : Click the "left arrow" to advance the images backwards. Click the "right arrow" to advance the images forward. Each click advances or retards the images one step. Make sure you have first stopped the animation for proper use. Rock : Clicking the Rock button advances the animation loop to the end and then the loop reverses to the beginning. Thus it will continuously go all the way forward and then all the way backwards. << >> : Click the "double left arrow" to return to the start and the animation will come to a stop. Click the "double right arrow" to advance to the end of the loop and the animation will come to a stop. Zoom : To zoom in click on the "Zoom" button and then click on the map the area you wish to zoom in on. Each click on the map allows you to zoom in closer. When you click on the zoom button it changes to an Un-zoom button. Click on Un-zoom when to return to the normal zoom level. Green Advance Meter : When you click on a green meter square it turns red and the image it represents will be eliminated in the loop. You can set as many of them to red as you wish, these will be skipped over.. Perhaps you just want to view the last 7 images in a loop?