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US Precipitation 1 day, 24 hour precipitation map

US Temperatures US Conditions Map

US Climate Data US Conditions Map

United States RAP (Rapid Refresh) Model
High-Resolution Rapid Refresh [RAP] (Experimental)
Current Model Run Hour 19Z
Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Composite Reflectivity Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Surface Cape Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Most Unstable Cape Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Lightning Potential Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
10m Wind Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
80m Wind Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
80m Wind Speed Change Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
10m Wind Gust Potential Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Skin Temperature Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
2m Temp (F), 10m Wind (kt) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
2m Potential Temp (K), 10m Wind (kt) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
2m Temp - Skin Temp (F) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
2m Dew Point (F), 10m Wind (kt) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
10m Relative Humidity % Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Sfc Pressure Change (over prev 3 hours) (mb) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Precipitable Water (mm) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Snow Water Equivalent (in) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
1h Accumulated Snow/Sleet 10:1 Ratio (in) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Run-Total Accumulated Snow/Sleet 10:1 Ratio (in) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Snow Depth (in) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
1h Total Precip (in), MSLP (mp), 1000-500 Thick (dm) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
1h Conv Precip (in), MSLP (mb) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Total Precipitation (in), MSLP (mb) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
1h Total Precip (in), Precip Type Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
950mb Temp (C), Height (dm), Wind (kt) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
850mb Temp (C), Height (dm), Wind (kt) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
850mb Wind (kt), Height (dm) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
850mb Relative Humidity % Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
850-500mb mean Rel Hum (%), 700mb Wind (kt) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Rel Hum wrt Prec Water % Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
700mb Temperature (C), Height (dm), Wind (kt) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
700mb Vert Vel (-Pa/s * 10), Height (dm) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
500mb temps (C), Height (dm), Wind (kt) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
500mb Abs Vort (10E-5/s), Height (dm) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
250mb Wind (kt), Height (dm) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Sfc Visibility (mi) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Cloud Top Height (kft asl) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Ceiling (kft agl) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Echo Top (kft) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Radar-derived Vertically Integrated Liquid (kg/m**2) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Total Cloud Cover % Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Low-Level Cloud Cover % Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Mid-Level Cloud Cover % Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
High-Level Cloud Cover % Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Aviation Flight Rules Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Flux Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Upward Longwave Radiation Flux Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Outgoing Shortwave Radiation Flux - Surface Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Incoming Shortwave Radiation Flux - Surface Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
PBL Height (m) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Soil Temperature at 1 cm (k) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Soil Temperature at 4 cm (k) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Soil Temperature at 10 cm (k) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Soil Moisture at Surface (fraction) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Soil Moisture at 1cm (fraction) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Soil Moisture at 4cm (fraction) Loop

Parameter - [Quick Plots] Loop
Soil Moisture at 10cm (fraction) Loop

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