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Issued 05:00 AM EDT 07 October 2024

Forecasts are unavailable until further request.

Ice Forecasts

Issued 10:00 AM EDT 6 October 2024 Today Tonight and Monday

Ice Edge

First ice edge estimated from 7445N 13722W to 7438N 13644W to 7433N
12748W to 7440N 12413W then eastward. Sea ice north of the ice edge.

Second ice edge estimated from Somerset Island near 7208N 9401W to
6939N 8925W to Nunavut near 6924N 8529W. Sea ice east of the ice

Ice Coverage

Forecasts available to mariners upon request.

No watches or warnings in effect.

Technical Marine Synopsis

Issued 6:30 PM MDT 6 October 2024 Tonight and Monday At 0000 UTC Monday departing ridge located from 80N 125W to 73N
120W then to 67N 106W.

At 0000 UTC Monday deepening trough located on a line east-west
over northern Arctic Coast of Alaska.
By 0000 UTC Tuesday trough from 993 mb low located from 67N 129W
to 73N 160W.

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