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Funk Island Bank

Marine Forecast

Issued 08:00 PM NDT 07 September 2024

Tonight and Sunday.

Wind southeast 15 to 20 knots increasing to southeast 25 near noon Sunday.

Showers Sunday. Fog patches dissipating late overnight. Fog patches reforming near noon Sunday.


Issued 06:00 PM NDT 07 September 2024
Tonight and Sunday. Seas 1 to 2 metres except 2 to 3 over northwestern sections Sunday evening.

Ice Forecasts

Funk Island Bank

Issued 10:00 AM EDT 23 July 2024 Forecasts have ended for the season.

Ice Forecasts

Southeast Labrador Sea

Issued 10:00 AM EDT 23 July 2024 Forecasts have ended for the season.

Iceberg Bulletin

Funk Island Bank

Issued 2:30 PM EDT 7 September 2024

Iceberg Limit

Iceberg limit at 0000 UTC 8 Sep estimated from 5730N 5100W to 5600N
5300W to 5430N 5000W to 5145N 4945W to 5100N 5200W to the Labrador
coast near 5208N 5546W.

Iceberg Count

No confirmed icebergs.

Iceberg Bulletin

Southeast Labrador Sea

Issued 2:30 PM EDT 7 September 2024

Iceberg Limit

Iceberg limit at 0000 UTC 8 Sep estimated from 5730N 5100W to 5600N
5300W to 5430N 5000W to 5145N 4945W to 5100N 5200W to the Labrador
coast near 5208N 5546W.

Iceberg Count

Forecasts available to mariners upon request.

No watches or warnings in effect.

Technical Marine Synopsis

Issued 8:00 PM NDT 7 September 2024 Tonight and Sunday At 8:00 p.m. NDT tonight low 998 mb located south of Halifax.
By 3:30 p.m. NDT Sunday trough located over the Quebec Lower
North Shore.

At 8:00 p.m. NDT tonight ridge located over the northern Grand
By 3:30 p.m. NDT Sunday departing ridge located east of the Marine

At 3:30 p.m. NDT Sunday approaching trough located over the

Marine Weather Statement

Issued 7:50 PM NDT 7 September 2024 A low pressure system south of Halifax will track over the gulf
Of St. Lawrence tonight. Moderate to strong southeasterlies will
increase to strong to gale force over southwestern waters tonight
As the trough approaches.

Marine interests are advised that gale warnings are in effect for
Gulf - Port au Port, and Southwest Coast - west of Ramea.

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