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Map of Pacific North Coast Canada Marine Weather Areas Admiralty Arviat - eastern half Arviat - western half Baker Barrow Byam Central - eastern half Central - western half Central Brevoort - northern half Central Brevoort - southern half Clarence - northern half Clarence - southern half Coats - northern half Coats - southern half Committee Cumberland East Baffin - northern half East Baffin - southern half East Brevoort - northern half East Brevoort - southern half East Clyde - northern half East Clyde - southern half East Davis - northern half East Davis - southern half East Foxe East Labrador Sea Eureka - southern half Frobisher Bay Igloolik Jones - eastern half Jones - western half Kane - southern half Lancaster - eastern half Lancaster - western half Larsen Maclean Maud McClintock Mid Labrador Coast - north of Hopedale Mid Labrador Coast - Hopedale and south Navy Board North Labrador Coast Northwest Labrador Sea Norwegian Nottingham - eastern half Nottingham - western half Peel Pond Prince Charles Puvirnituq - northern half Puvirnituq - southern half Queens Rae Rankin - northern half Rankin - southern half Regent Resolution - eastern half Resolution - western half Roes Welcome - northern half Roes Welcome - southern half South-central Hudson - eastern half South Labrador Sea St. Roch Ungava - eastern half Ungava - western half West Baffin - northern half West Baffin - southern half West Brevoort - northern half West Brevoort - southern half West Clyde - northern half West Clyde - southern half West Davis - northern half West Davis - southern half West Foxe Boothia Hassel Massey Peary South Sverdrup



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Maple Leaf Data courtesy of Environment Canada

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