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Ranking of selected weather parameters for Ireland

12/27/2024 at 00:00 UTC

Warning: Many data filters has been introduced. Nevertheless, some extreme values can be erroneous because unspected error in synop report and should be verified
Note that the values we list here are from international released synop/bufr reports, and for sure there will be other remarkable values not in this list


Maximum temperature in 24h. 12/27/2024 at 00:00 UTC
(18 of 18 stations)
1 Valentia Observatory (Ireland) 11.8 °C
2 Finner (Ireland) 11.5 °C
3 Shannon Airport (Ireland) 11.1 °C
4 Mace Head (Ireland) 10.9 °C
5 Belmullet (Ireland) 10.8 °C
6 Sherkin Island (Ireland) 10.8 °C
7 Oak Park, Carlow (Ireland) 10.6 °C
8 Claremorris (Ireland) 10.4 °C
9 Johnstown Castle (Ireland) 10.3 °C
10 Roches Point (Ireland) 10.3 °C
11 Dublin Airport (Ireland) 10.1 °C
12 Casement Aerodrome (Ireland) 10.0 °C
13 Gurteen (Ireland) 9.9 °C
14 Malin Head (Ireland) 9.9 °C
15 Cork Airport (Ireland) 9.8 °C
16 Connaught Airport (Ireland) 9.6 °C
17 Ballyhaise, Cavan (Ireland) 9.5 °C
18 Mullingar (Ireland) 9.2 °C

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Minimum temperature in 24h. 12/27/2024 at 00:00 UTC
(18 of 18 stations)
1 Casement Aerodrome (Ireland) 5.4 °C
2 Dublin Airport (Ireland) 7.1 °C
3 Malin Head (Ireland) 7.1 °C
4 Gurteen (Ireland) 7.4 °C
5 Mullingar (Ireland) 7.6 °C
6 Belmullet (Ireland) 7.7 °C
7 Connaught Airport (Ireland) 7.8 °C
8 Shannon Airport (Ireland) 7.8 °C
9 Ballyhaise, Cavan (Ireland) 8.0 °C
10 Johnstown Castle (Ireland) 8.2 °C
11 Oak Park, Carlow (Ireland) 8.3 °C
12 Cork Airport (Ireland) 8.5 °C
13 Finner (Ireland) 8.6 °C
14 Claremorris (Ireland) 8.7 °C
15 Roches Point (Ireland) 9.2 °C
16 Sherkin Island (Ireland) 9.7 °C
17 Valentia Observatory (Ireland) 9.9 °C
18 Mace Head (Ireland) 10.1 °C

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Highest average temperature in 24h. 12/27/2024 at 00:00 UTC
(18 of 18 stations)
1 Valentia Observatory (Ireland) 10.6 °C
2 Mace Head (Ireland) 10.5 °C
3 Sherkin Island (Ireland) 10.1 °C
4 Finner (Ireland) 10.1 °C
5 Roches Point (Ireland) 9.6 °C
6 Shannon Airport (Ireland) 9.6 °C
7 Claremorris (Ireland) 9.5 °C
8 Belmullet (Ireland) 9.3 °C
9 Oak Park, Carlow (Ireland) 9.1 °C
10 Johnstown Castle (Ireland) 9.0 °C
11 Gurteen (Ireland) 9.0 °C
12 Cork Airport (Ireland) 8.9 °C
13 Ballyhaise, Cavan (Ireland) 8.7 °C
14 Mullingar (Ireland) 8.5 °C
15 Connaught Airport (Ireland) 8.5 °C
16 Malin Head (Ireland) 8.4 °C
17 Dublin Airport (Ireland) 8.2 °C
18 Casement Aerodrome (Ireland) 8.0 °C

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Lowest average temperature in 24h. 12/27/2024 at 00:00 UTC
(18 of 18 stations)
1 Casement Aerodrome (Ireland) 8.0 °C
2 Dublin Airport (Ireland) 8.2 °C
3 Malin Head (Ireland) 8.4 °C
4 Connaught Airport (Ireland) 8.5 °C
5 Mullingar (Ireland) 8.5 °C
6 Ballyhaise, Cavan (Ireland) 8.7 °C
7 Cork Airport (Ireland) 8.9 °C
8 Gurteen (Ireland) 9.0 °C
9 Johnstown Castle (Ireland) 9.0 °C
10 Oak Park, Carlow (Ireland) 9.1 °C
11 Belmullet (Ireland) 9.3 °C
12 Claremorris (Ireland) 9.5 °C
13 Shannon Airport (Ireland) 9.6 °C
14 Roches Point (Ireland) 9.6 °C
15 Finner (Ireland) 10.1 °C
16 Sherkin Island (Ireland) 10.1 °C
17 Mace Head (Ireland) 10.5 °C
18 Valentia Observatory (Ireland) 10.6 °C

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24 hours amount precipitation. 12/27/2024 at 00:00 UTC
(18 of 18 stations)
1 Connaught Airport (Ireland) 9.2 mm
2 Belmullet (Ireland) 8.6 mm
3 Malin Head (Ireland) 5.3 mm
4 Finner (Ireland) 4.4 mm
5 Mace Head (Ireland) 3.1 mm
6 Sherkin Island (Ireland) 2.5 mm
7 Claremorris (Ireland) 2.4 mm
8 Cork Airport (Ireland) 2.3 mm
9 Johnstown Castle (Ireland) 1.3 mm
10 Roches Point (Ireland) 0.9 mm
11 Valentia Observatory (Ireland) 0.9 mm
12 Oak Park, Carlow (Ireland) 0.4 mm
13 Ballyhaise, Cavan (Ireland) 0.1 mm
14 Mullingar (Ireland) 0.1 mm
15 Dublin Airport (Ireland) 0.0 mm
16 Shannon Airport (Ireland) 0.0 mm
17 Casement Aerodrome (Ireland) 0.0 mm
18 Gurteen (Ireland) 0.0 mm

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Maximum wind Gust in 24 hours. 12/27/2024 at 00:00 UTC
(0 of 0 stations)

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